European Military Arms

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18th Century Weapons of the Royal Welsh Fuziliers
from Flixton Hall,
by Erik Goldstein
BOOK-18CWRWF 18th Century Weapons of the Royal Welsh Fuziliers from Flixton Hall, by Erik Goldstein.
Price: $17.99
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A Soldier-Like Way,
the Material Culture of the British Infantry 1751-1768,
the French & Indian War era,
by R. R. Gale
BOOK-ASLW A Soldier-Like Way, the Material Culture of the British Infantry 1751-1768, the French & Indian War era, by R. R. Gale.
Price: $32.50
In Stock
by James D Forman
BOOK-B Blunderbuss 1500-1900 by James D Forman.
Price: $16.95
In Stock
British Military Flintlock Rifles
by De Witt Bailey Ph. D.
BOOK-BMFR British Military Flintlock Rifles 1740-1840 by De Witt Bailey Ph. D..
Price: $39.99
Item is currently sold out.
The Bayonet in New France,
by Erik Goldstein
BOOK-BNF The Bayonet in New France, 1665-1760 by Erik Goldstein.
Price: $16.95
In Stock
The Confederate LeMat Revolver
by Doug Adams
BOOK-CLR The Confederate LeMat Revolver by Doug Adams.
Price: $24.50
In Stock
European Arms in the Civil War,
The Imported Muskets, Rifles, Carbines, Revolvers and Swords of the Union and Confederacy
by Marc Schwalm and Klaus Hofmann
BOOK-EACW European Arms in the Civil War, The Imported Muskets, Rifles, Carbines, Revolvers and Swords of the Union and Confederacy by Marc Schwalm and Klaus Hofmann.
Price: $31.99
In Stock
Evolution of the Brown Bess Musket,
Early British Flintlocks in Context, 
by Dr. Jay Tartell
BOOK-EBBM Evolution of the Brown Bess Musket, Early British Flintlocks in Context, by Dr. Jay Tartell.
Price: $35.99
In Stock
Evolution of the Brown Bess Musket,
Early British Flintlocks in Context, 
hard cover edition, by Dr. Jay Tartell
BOOK-EBBM-H Evolution of the Brown Bess Musket, Early British Flintlocks in Context, hard cover edition, by Dr. Jay Tartell.
Price: $42.99
In Stock
Firepower from Abroad,
The Confederate Enfield
LeMat Revolver
by Wiley Sword
BOOK-FFA Firepower from Abroad, The Confederate Enfield and LeMat Revolver by Wiley Sword.
Price: $26.99
In Stock
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