American Military Arms

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Suppliers to The Confederacy,
British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
by Craig L. Barry & David C. Burt
BOOK-SC Suppliers to The Confederacy, British Imported Arms and Accoutrements by Craig L. Barry & David C. Burt.
Price: $39.99
In Stock
Sharps Firearms
The Percussion Era 1848-1865
Vol. 1,
by Roy Marcot, Ron Paxton, Edward W. Marron, Jr.
BOOK-SF-V1 Sharps Firearms The Percussion Era 1848-1865 Vol. 1, by Roy Marcot, Ron Paxton, Edward W. Marron, Jr..
Price: $99.99
In Stock
U.S. Model 1855 Series of Small Arms,
by John Willyard
BOOK-US-M1855 U.S. Model 1855 Series of Small Arms, by John Willyard.
Price: $45.00
In Stock
U S Military Arms Inspector Marks, 
A Collectors Guide to the Inspection Marks found on American Firearms and Edged Weapons
from 1795 to 1953 with detailed information about the inspectors and the weapons that bear their marks
by Anthony C. Daum & Charles W. Pate
BOOK-US-MA-IM U S Military Arms Inspector Marks, A Collectors Guide to the Inspection Marks found on American Firearms and Edged Weapons from 1795 to 1953 with detailed information about the inspectors and the weapons that bear their marks by Anthony C. Daum & Charles W. Pate.
Price: $44.99
In Stock
U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets, 
and Their Bayonets, 
the Early Years, 1790-1815,
by Peter A. Schmidt
BOOK-USMFM U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets, and Their Bayonets, the Early Years, 1790-1815, by Peter A. Schmidt.
Price: $62.99
Item is currently sold out.
U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets, 
and Their Bayonets, 
the Later Years, 1816 through Civil War,
by Peter A. Schmidt
BOOK-USMFM-2 U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets, and Their Bayonets, the Later Years, 1816 through Civil War, by Peter A. Schmidt.
Price: $62.99
In Stock
The Whitney Navy Revolver 1857 -1 1866:
A Reference of the Models and Types
BOOK-WNR The Whitney Navy Revolver 1857 -1 1866: A Reference of the Models and Types.
Price: $45.00
In Stock
Hatcher's Notebook,
A standard Reference for Shooters, Gunsmiths,
Ballisticians, Historians, Hunters, and Collectors
by Julian S. Hatcher
BOOK-HN Hatcher's Notebook, A standard Reference for Shooters, Gunsmiths, Ballisticians, Historians, Hunters, and Collectors by Julian S. Hatcher.
Price: $39.99
Book is no longer being printed or produced. Once we sell through our remaining inventory, item will no longer be available.  We will not be getting any more in.
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