The Confederate LeMat Revolver
by Doug Adams
Part Number: BOOK-CLR
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The LeMat revolver has always held a special place in the hearts of Civil War enthusiasts. No other weapon is so emblematic of the Confederacy. The LeMat wasn't just a revolver - in addition to its bullets, it packed a unique, last ditch wallop in the form of a shotgun blast from under the barrel.

Begun as a partnership between Alexander LeMat, a French inventor from New Orleans, and P.G.T. Beauregard, a highly prominent Confederate officer, the LeMat revolver project quickly became a tale of international intrigue and espionage worthy of a spy novel. Operating from Southern port cities, European capital and Caribbean islands, LeMat and his associates gave the Confederacy a "French Connection," not just to supply revolvers, but to aid the Rebel cause through supplies, financial shenanigans and propaganda.

This exciting new book describes LeMat's wartime adventures aboard blockade runners and alongside the famous leaders of the Confederacy, as well as exploring, as never before, the unique revolvers that he manufactured for the Southern Cause. Soft bound 112 pages, color photos.

The Table of Contents includes the following:

  • Lemat: An Introduction
  • Chapter One: Bordeaux
  • Chapter Two: A New Beginning, New Orleans (1843-1856)
  • Chapter Three: A Time of Invention, New Orleans and the First Revolvers (1856-1860)
  • Chapter Four: Secession and the First Contracts (1861)
  • Chapter Five: Europe and the War Department Contract (1862)
  • Chapter Six: Where's the Gold? Occupied New Orleans (1863)
  • Chapter Seven: The Navy Contract (1863)
  • Chapter Eight: The Final Arrangements and the London Guns (1864)
  • Chapter Nine: The Accessory LeMats and the End of the Confederacy (1864 & 1865)
  • Chapter Ten: The Return to Paris and Beyond (1865-1895)
  • Chapter Ten: A Classification System
  • Listing of Revolvers with Reported Confederate Use and Association
  • References

ISBN: 1-931464-20-0

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